Origin of The Art of Forgiveness
It happened one morning while I was making coffee. That still, quiet voice came to me. It said,”Write your book. Write it now.” I responded out loud to that voice, arguing I couldn’t do that now; I had to find a new job. The voice said, “You have time cause you just lost your full time job and you have money for a month from the severance pay they gave you. Write it now!” My response was, “I’ll speak at functions,” to which the voice responded, “You write better than you speak. Write the book you’ve been thinking about for years!” I laughed at that; there is some truth to it.
This conversation brought me up short, as I knew this was my Higher Self talking… So, I wrote the book. It is now published on Amazon where you can purchase a paperback book or kindle ebook. To buy your copy of the paperback or kindle, scroll down. You can buy it from Amazon. You can also buy it from me. I will sign it to you and mail it to you. The shipping/handling fee is $7.00, charged at checkout.