The Art of Forgiveness, A Promise of Peace
The Art of Forgiveness

Gold Medal Winner – Self-Help Spirituality

It happened one morning while I was making coffee. That still, quiet voice came to me. It said,“Write your forgiveness book. Write it now.” I responded out loud to that voice, arguing I couldn’t do it now; I had to find a new caregiving job to replace the one I’d lost. The voice said, “You have time cause you just lost your full-time job and you have money for a month from the severance pay they gave you. Write it Now!” My response was, “I’ll get more speaking gigs,” to which the voice responded, “You write better than you speak. Write the book you’ve been thinking about for years! The world is in dire need of knowing how to forgive others.”

I laughed at the voice’s comment comparing my speaking and writing abilities; there was some truth to it. At the same time, I felt the calling to share with the world how I found peace after 30+ years as an angry and bitter victim, blaming everyone else for my woes.

The conversation that occurred brought me up short, as I knew this was my Higher Self, the Divine. So… I wrote the book. It is now published on Amazon as both a paperback book and Kindle eBook. The Art of Forgiveness is the story of my comeback after the demise with an unrequited love, my husband, and a 30-year drinking spree. You discover how to heal from your difficulties; you gain peace.

Opening the Gates of the Heart

Opening the Gates of the Heart

Bronze Medal Winner – Spiritual Healing

Opening the Gates of the Heart: Images that Heal & the Stories Behind Them. 2nd Edition is evidence of the Divine at work in my life, as that force, through me, created a lovely book that is a tribute to the resiliency and beauty of the human spirit. It enhances your journey to more peace and joy, or helps you through a place of woundedness.

You come away from the experience of reading this book with feelings of hope, inspiration, and empowerment. It becomes a constant companion that soothes your wounds and hurts, and provides you with daily messages suitable for meditation.

You are initially drawn into the author/photographer’s world of fear where feelings of worthlessness and despair are acknowledged and expressed. You may relate to a time in your life when you felt the same way; maybe you feel that way now.

Very soon, you become cognizant, right alongside of CJ, of the presence of awareness on your part. You realize, as she did, that you have a choice to remain in despair or to take a journey of healing. If you choose to undertake your healing as you follow along with CJ’s journey, you begin to feel release. You begin to heal those areas of stuckness; from that, you experience peace.